Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Clear views with HGV’s that are spray free

A new type of mud flap could be set to make HGV spray a thing of the past on Britain's motorways. This new product in independent testing has reduced the amount of spray generated from Lorries by 40%.

The mud flaps have vertical vanes on the surface which help to disperse the water, without forming spray clouds which can blur or completely obscure vision; albeit briefly. The reduction in spray is not the only benefit, there is also a reduction in drag which improves fuel economy by approximately 2% - a significant benefit on a 44 tonne HGV.

The increase in visiblity when following a Lorry fitted with the new mudflaps at 56mph is 40% making safer driving for both vehicles. iQuote Insurance encourage safer driving and will save you money on your HGV Insurance Quote. To find out more about our Haulage Insurance, contact us and speak to an expert advisor.

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